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meerkat encounter
tortoise experience
lions feedig

Animal Encounters

Visitors to Crocodylus Park now have a special opportunity to come up close and personal with our most special animals in an animal encounter.

You can book a meet and greet with:

Meerkats: 15 minutes hand-feeding encounter where you can personally feed and play with our dynamic meerkat family.

Minimum age 6 years | max 4 people

Monkeys: 15 minutes hand-feeding encounter where you can personally feed and play with our vibrant monkey family.

Minimum age 12 years | max 2 people.

Big Cats: a roaring and exciting feeding experience with the (white) lions or tigers. The best opportunity to get that close to a big cat!

Minimum age 16 years | max 2 people |

Tortoises: lots of cuddles and cuteness that makes everyone's heart melt.

Minimum age 4 years old | max 4 people |

Photographs are taken by your guide on request and provided to you on a crocodile USB.


Disabled access available, contact operator for details.


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